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Today’s multi-national companies rely on expert advice, information, guidance and assistance. Many firms in the competitive consulting arena claim this expertise, but only one promises to deliver – TAG International, Inc.

TAG International, Inc. is a strategic provider of management and marketing
solutions for global businesses with a dependable difference - a commitment to a superior return on client capital.

TAG International, Inc. delivers industry-specific strategy and technology services driven by consulting engagement economics - maximizing the return on capital invested by our clients in business improvement. Our singular approach is both qualitative and quantitative - we use disciplined consultants, disciplined thought and disciplined action to offer our clients comprehensive, relevant and result-oriented tools and strategies to building or expanding into enduring, successful organizations/individuals.

Our consultants are committed to the delivery of cost-effective services that produce rapid, focused business results - expressed in terms of revenue growth, cost reductions, return on assets and other traditional financial metrics. That is our value proposition!

© 2004 T.A.G. International Inc. | designed by: Joelle Belmonte